Urban Security and Living Together
Cognitive Skills Training with Virtual Reality
As part of the ‘‘Vitrine technologique’’ Quebec city’s program and in collaboration with the Direction of urban life quality, OVA has developed an interoperability training for public security’s first responders. This technology allows to four participants (police officer, firefighter, ambulance worker, and civil security worker) to train for collaborative crisis management in an immersive environment.
Citizen Impact
- Optimize the quality of emergency services off ered by first responders.
- Contribute to the security and protection of citizens and public goods of the city.
Economic Development
- Decrease training costs.
- Aim for a better efficacity of the emergency response.
- Maximise the benefits of the ‘‘Vitrine technologique’’ program.
R&D Contribution
- Develop training techniques using mixed reality.
- Make to use of virtual reality more accessible.
- Develop a virtual reality training platform integrating the ease of scenario sripting and performance measures.