Urban Security and Living Together

Geo-specific Communication System

Project start
September 2017

There is no suitable social network that would allow: 1) the authorities of a city to contact their citizens of a particular sector/district in real-time to inform them on requested immediate actions needed on their part, and 2) the citizens to be held informed at all times of what is happening in their environment and to communicate efficiently with their immediate neighborhood. In collaboration with Technologies Moments Inc. and the Centre for Research in Geomatics of Laval University, this project aims to design and develop Moments, the first global network of geo-specific communication to meet these two needs.

Citizen Impact
  • Promoting Living Together.
  • Enabling communication between public administration and citizens.
  • Engaging citizens to play a role in providing urban security.
Economic Development
  • Reducing costs related to workplace injuries.
  • Increasing efficiency of emergency interventions.
R&D Contribution
  • Developing a geo-specific communication application.
  • Social Innovation, acceptability and participation.
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